Welcome to the Scholar's Script!

Welcome to the Scholar's Script! We are the student-run newspaper of Landry Academy. This blog will be devoted mainly to the posting of submissions from students for your enjoyment. If you would like to submit something to the Scholar's Script, please email Katie Comstock at: katiec.scholarsscript@gmail.com.


About Us

The Scholars Script 
The student-run newspaper of Landry Academy

Faculty Advisor: Mrs Jodi Guerra

Editorial Board:

Editor - Jackie D. (North Carolina)
Managing Editor - Allie T. (North Carolina)
Opinion Editor - Connor B. (Michigan)
News & Features Editor - Warren S. (Idaho)
Columnists Editor – Katie C. (Ohio)


Copy Editors - Elon D. (Maryland) & Mary Beth L. (Arkansas)
Student Submissions Coordinator - Katie C. (Ohio)
Graphics & Photos Coordinator - Kathryn R. (North Carolina)
Reporter/Columnist – Garrett H. (Tennessee)
Reporter - Ingram S. (Alabama)
Reporter/Columnist - Maddie S. (Alabama)
Reporter – R.J. H. (Ohio)
Reporter/Columnist - Sam E. (Ohio)

Jackie D., North Carolina, Editor
Jackie D. is our Editor overseeing all aspects of the newspaper.  Jackie is a senior this year and lives in North Carolina.  She has a gift for working with children and will occasionally “guest host” a column tailoring it for our younger readers.  She is an artist and musician as well. Jackie enjoys piano, puzzles, painting, drawing, singing, listening to epic trailer and soundtrack music, and writing. Jackie has great communication and facilitation skills which are helpful in working with the staff.
Allie T., North Carolina
Allie T. is the newspaper’s Managing Editor and is responsible for transforming the copy into something presentable and beautiful.  She is also a writer.  Allie is a freshman and lives in North Carolina where she is a bibliophile and self-proclaimed Star Wars geek.  She is also a story-scribbler and doodler.
Connor B., Michigan
Junior Connor B. serves as the Opinion Editor receiving feedback from readers and representing the “official” opinion of the newspaper on a particular issue when presented.  Connor also writes a science column for the paper.  He lives in Michigan and enjoys fencing, reading, performing standup comedy, listening to music, and being outdoors. 
Katie C., Ohio
Katie C., a sophomore from Ohio, serves as our Columnists Editor overseeing our columnists as well as  our Student Submissions Coordinator.  Her work entails receiving creative writing submissions from students and teachers as well as coordinating all the feedback the newspaper receives.  Katie is also a reporter covering the “student beat.” Katie enjoys horseback riding, playing piano, listening to music, writing, reading, 4-H, playing with my animals, dancing, and camping with her family.  Her horse Kezi is pictured with her.
Warren S., Idaho
Warren S. is a senior who recently won Landry’s Creation Science Research Paper contest.  Warren is our News & Features Editor overseeing reporters and writing himself on stories about news in our Academy, its teachers and students as well as other interest pieces.  Warren also has a column called College Q&A in which he finds out the answers to questions submitted by readers about college application processes and collegiate life. He participates in cross country, drama, National Honor Society and student body government. He recently earned a scholarship to travel to Washington D. C. through the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). Warren lives seven miles from a small town in Idaho and about 200 yards from a large canyon with a ton of dear and a few wolves, mountain lions, and bears living in it. 
Elon D., Maryland
Elon D. is a junior from Maryland serving as one of our Copy Editors.  She is also our Book Reviewer.  Elon enjoys playing soccer and football as well as reading.  She would like to become a midwife or a pediatric doctor when she grows up as well as go to various countries on mission trips.
Mary Beth L., Arkansas
Freshman MaryBeth L. of Arkansas is another Copy Editor and reporter.  Mary Beth plays the piano, sings, and participates in local drama productions.  She might go into nursing someday.  Her favorite subjects are English and ancient history.
Kathryn R., North Carolina
Kathryn R. works as our Photo & Graphics Coordinator.  She helps us to find the right graphic expression for our stories.  A freshman in North Carolina who “lives way out in the country,” Kathryn has her own YouTube channel and enjoys her new puppy named Izzy.  She has a gift for working with children, and loves music…especially country music!
Garrett H., Tennessee
Garrett H. is responsible for the jokes, quips and humorous pieces.  He also serves as our Movies Columnist.  Garrett is a junior from Tennessee.  He is a gifted musician with his own band and works at Chic-Fil-A.
Ingram S., Alabama
Sophomore Ingram S. also loves horses.  She is from Alabama and is one of our reporters.  Her “newsbeat” is Landry Academy Teachers, so, teachers, be prepared for Ingram to ask you some questions!  She also writes interest features. Ingram loves to ride horses and especially enjoys barrel racing and long trail rides.  She is pictured with her horse Tobi.
Madeline S., Alabama
Madeline S. is a freshman and sister of Ingram S.  She likes horses too and is pictured with her miniature horse “Bandito.”  Madeline is a reporter writing various articles.  She also is our Music Columnist.
R.J. H., Ohio
 Senior R.J. H. resides in Ohio and is passionate about Jesus.  He serves as captain of the Bible Bowl team, has a Black Belt in karate, serves the Cincinnati Zoo as a Jr. Zookeeper and enjoys C.S. Lewis, writing, filming and editing.  R.J. will be helping us in a variety of areas including writing stories and reviewing.